Thursday, August 27, 2009

Looking for a gig?

Here's a great web site for free-lancers (and really anyone looking for temporary work). Blended Technologies has combined all the appropriate Craigslist postings from ALL Craigslists and the ads from a few other sites into one list. What distinguishes this from ordinary meta-search engines is the ability to "train" the search. Based on the posts you click on, the site learns what you're interested in and begins to give the more appropriate jobs higher priority. The more stars you click on, the better trained it becomes. There is a geographic limiter, but no keyword search. I tried searching the Boston area and discovered that there are numerous gigs for web designers and programmers and not so many for carpenters or machinists. If you're looking for gigs--from moving furniture to modeling to programming--give Gigbayes a try. (Thanks to Research Buzz for the tip.)

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