Friday, April 10, 2009

Missing Michael Crichton? Pirate Latitudes is on the Horizon

Font sizeWith the passing of Michael Crichton in November, you may have been feeling a void in your book selection, tv programs, or upcoming movies. He was quite active in all areas.

Alas, good news for his fans! Before his death he finished a well-researched 17th century Jamaican pirate adventure entitled Pirate Latitudes. It features a character named Hunter who attacks Spanish galleons at the behest of the Jamaican governor. HarperCollins has set its publication date for November 24. With Pirate Latitudes, Crichton returns to the historical fiction genre with a story that triggers memories of his The Great Train Robbery (1975). The movie version starred big name stars Sean Connery, Donald Sutherland, and Leslie-Anne Downes.

Techno fans may be disappointed with this title but will have a pseudo- Crichton thriller to look forward to in 2010. This tale was only 1/3 complete when he died but he left notes on the direction he wanted it to take. Let's hope the publisher picks someone who will be true to Crichton's style and obsession with technology. Stay tuned for more information. SH

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